Offering pet care in both Tallahassee
Friday, 18 July 2014
by admin
We offer pet sitting in both Tallahassee. We travel to you and offer pet sitting in the comfort of you own home. Call us today for a meet and greet. (850)4084534
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Tagged under:
dog walking, garden care, Havana, horse care, house sitting, Open Holidays, overnight pet sitting, pet care, pet feeding, pet sitting, pet taxi, Tallahassee
We care for a wide variety of animals including horses!
Tuesday, 06 May 2014
by admin
This is our newest client. For Pet’s Sakes pet sitting service will care for any and all pets from horses to turtles. Call us today for a free meet and greet! 8504084534
- Published in Blog, Uncategorized
Tagged under:
dog walking, garden care, horse care, house sitting, pet care, pet feeding, pet sitting, pet taxi
Pet sitting and House sitting
Monday, 05 May 2014
by admin
We not only care for your pets but we are happy to care for your home. Even if you don’t have pets and you would like someone to come over turn on& off lights, bring in the mail, water your garden/plants, bring out the trash and tend to any other needs you may have, we
- Published in Blog, Uncategorized
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For Pet’s Sake Pet sitting is open during the holidays in Tallahassee!
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We are open for Pet Sitting during the holidays in Tallahassee
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